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Buyer’s remorse laws: Buyers don’t just have remorse, they also have rights

Buyer's remorse laws, also known as cooling-off periods or cancellation rights, are legal measures that give consumers the opportunity to reconsider purchases.

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10 tips on how to avoid a visit to your licensed insolvency trustee

Sometimes insolvency is a viable option. But let’s not go there just yet.

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How to manage digital costs draining your bank account

Let’s look at four of the biggest digital costs draining your bank account and how you can manage their expenses.

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The Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act: Safety net for debtors, assurance for lenders

When individuals can no longer service their debt, it creates significant issues for both the borrower — who may find themselves in an ever-worsening cycle of debt — and their lender(s) who are having trouble recovering the money owed to them.

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Should I check my credit score before speaking to a professional?

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Should I use a line of credit to pay off my debts?

That’s a good question, and one that might produce some surprising answers. There’s no one size fits all solution to debt.

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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found that more than half (56%) of British Columbians are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay, or fewer working hours – an increase of 5 points since June, and the highest proportion compared to the other provinces. Over the past few months, various financial relief measures from...

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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found that one in three (34%) Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay, or fewer working hours. This represents an eight point drop since June. Over the past few months, various financial relief measures from the government, banks, and businesses have...

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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found that nearly half (47%) of Ontarians are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay, or fewer working hours. Over the past few months, various financial relief measures from the government, banks, and businesses have helped cushion the financial blow of the pandemic for many Ontarian households....

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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found one in three (34%) Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay, or fewer working hours.

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