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Spring is just around the corner: Setting financial goals for the year

With spring coming up fast, it’s an opportunity to make a firm plan to deal with your debts so that by the time the next holidays come around, you can close out the year in a better financial position than you started.

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How to rebuild after a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal (3 Minute Debt Break)

After completing a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal, rebuilding your credit can feel nearly as daunting as getting out of debt. But just a few steps every day will get you where you want to go. The following steps will help you focus on your goals, outline your process and visualize the reward that’s waiting for you at the top.

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Marketing traps are everywhere. Here’s how you can avoid falling for the gimmicks.

Nobody wants to believe they’re the kind of person who falls for marketing gimmicks — those pushy, transparent, often campy tactics clearly designed to part you with your money.

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Don’t put your eggs in one basket — what does it mean for your finances?

We’ve all heard the phrase “don’t put your all your eggs in one basket.” But what does it really mean? In the context of finances, and debt in particular, it means don’t rely on only one type of debt just the same as it means don’t put all your RRSP into crypto currency.

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MNP Consumer Debt Index January 2023 (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

The MNP Consumer Debt Index for January 2023 is in… and the Index has plunged 15 points from last quarter and is now at an all-time low. The unprecedented quarterly decline underscores the anxiety Canadians feel about their debt situation amid rising interest rates, persistent inflation, and heightened affordability concerns.

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Everything you need to know about financial literacy

Whatever stage of life you’re in, making informed financial choices has never been more important and ongoing financial literacy is the key.

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Buy Now, Pay Later: A Double-Edged Sword

It is important to understand the terms and conditions of a buy now, pay later plan before signing up for it.

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Tips for New Parents (3 Minute Debt Break)

Parenthood happens differently for everyone. But the one thing the same for everyone is the impact on your finances. You are now responsible for a whole other person who depends on you for everything. The good news is you can start planning for these financial changes from the time you find out you’re expecting — and reduce the chances of ending up with debt you can’t manage.

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MNP Proudly Accepts The Winnipegs 2017 Consumers Choice Award

Exciting news! MNP’s Insolvency team in Winnipeg has won the Consumer Choice Award in the Bankruptcy category for the Winnipeg region!

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