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Three in five Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents concerned about repaying debts amid high interest rates and inflation, revealing financial strain and mental health impact

The impact of inflation and higher interest rates is leaving Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents feeling the most pessimistic about their debt situation compared to the other provinces, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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Three in five Quebecers concerned about repaying debts amid high interest rates and inflation, revealing financial strain and mental health impact

The impact of inflation and higher interest rates is leaving Quebecers feeling pessimistic about their current debt situation, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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My spouse or partner has debt and I don't — what should we do?

You and your life partner do exactly that — you share a life together; but do you also share the burden of all of your debt too?

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Moving away from home? Prepare for unexpected expenses

Moving away from home is an exciting, albeit bittersweet experience. You’ve got a world of freedom and opportunity ahead of you. But the brand-new costs and responsibilities can also feel quite daunting.

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Are You Financially Prepared For the Uncertain Future? (3 Minute Debt Break)

It’s always been difficult to plan for future financial challenges. But these days, the unforeseen seems to be a regular occurrence. No one has a crystal ball for global events let alone circumstances that are unpredictable in your personal world. Like… what if your car breaks down and needs major repairs? What if you’ve been laid off or lost your job? What if you’ve become ill and are now unable to work? What it you’ve...

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Prince Edward Islanders regret about debt soars amidst rising rates and affordability struggles

With rising interest rates and high borrowing costs remaining a challenge for households, Atlantic Canadians are feeling more pessimistic about their debt than any other province, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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Impact of another interest rate increase: Seven in 10 Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents say they will be in financial trouble

Significantly more Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents anticipate struggling with further rate hikes as interest rates reach the highest point in over two decades, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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Manitoba and Saskatchewan feeling the strain of inflation, increased cost of living

Amid rising interest rates and a challenging cost of living households, the proportion of Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents who report being close to insolvency has crept up since last quarter, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index.

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