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How to plan for your child’s post-secondary education with as little debt as possible

Only you and your child can decide whether post-secondary education is the right path forward. Regardless of what direction their life ends up following, there are steps you can take to prepare for the costs of post secondary education to help ensure money isn’t the deciding factor.

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Life after a Bankruptcy

After receiving your discharge from Bankruptcy, you have now permanently moved on from your past financial issues and are free of your unsecured debts. It’s time to start rebuilding your credit rating.

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Is being debt-free good for your credit report?

What you learn about how credit reporting and scoring works, what you can do to improve your credit, and common debt habits which may be helping or hindering your progress may just save your credit — and save you a few dollars every month.

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Trying to pay down debt this summer? These budget friendly activities are fun for the whole family

When you’re working toward paying off your debt, life can often feel like an impossible choice between saving money and enjoying your hard-earned free time.

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What are the various types of consumer loans and why would I use them?

Consumer loans are available in many forms and for a variety of purposes such as purchasing a home, financing a vehicle, and consolidating high interest credit card balances. These financial tools range from ultra specific (e.g., mortgage) to extremely flexible in helping you purchase desired goods and services.

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How is a student loan different than any other loan type?

The Canada Student Loan Program provides an opportunity for Canadians to pursue a post-secondary education in instances where attending a college or university may otherwise be out of reach.

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What is good debt?

Given the growing concerns around Canada’s consumer debt crisis, it’s only natural to paint it in broad strokes as universally bad. However, that’s not always the case.

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What can I do to assess my financial health?

If you’re like most people, you (at least try to) go to the doctor every year for your annual physical. Why? Because a clean bill of health buys you peace of mind — and the earlier you can catch potential problems like high blood pressure or a problematic mole, the easier these are to correct.

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Don’t let fear drive you away from Bankruptcy

What do Walt Disney, Elton John, and Larry King have in common? After filing Bankruptcy, these and countless other respected cultural icons all went on to achieve fortune, fame, and overwhelming success.

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Hosting a Holiday Gathering on a Budget

Whether you’re hosting a small intimate group of friends or a large family dinner over the upcoming holiday season, inflation and rising interest rates have made hosting more challenging than ever. Here are some simple tips on how to still have a great time while sticking to a manageable budget.

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