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Too Much Debt Use This Rule To Find Out

Canadians are carrying more debt than ever, which has left many wondering if they might be in over their heads.

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Tis The Season To Be Spending

As holiday spending quickly adds up – it’s all too easy to reach for credit to cover the increasing costs. But how much does that credit use cost in the New Year.

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'Til Debt Due Us Part: Why It's Important To Budget For Your Wedding

Your wedding will only last one day, but your marriage is for the rest of your life.

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There Is No Such Thing As An Unexpected Expense

People often cite unexpected expenses as one of the main reasons they began using their credit cards at the beginning of a debt cycle.

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The Winter Cash Crunch: 5 Areas Where You Can Save Money

Many people find they struggle financially during the post-Christmas winter months. Holiday credit card bills come in, and combined with higher energy and other winter expenses can put a strain on an otherwise balanced household budget.

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Student Loans

please can you tell me during bankruptcy do we need to start paying our school debts if we are still in school or we are taking courses in parttime during bankruptcy.

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If I File For Bankruptcy, Does It Affect My Citizenship Process?

To the best of our knowledge, filing an assignment in bankruptcy (or a consumer proposal) under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act would not preclude or prevent you from becoming a citizen. However, if you are an undischarged bankrupt, you may not apply to be a sponsor for someone to come to Canada until you have been discharged.

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If I Do A Bankruptcy Can My Spouses Assets Be Taken

HI. since i am married , can i clain personal bankruptcy and my wife posetions be left alone or will all of it be put together as one since we have seperate credit. thanks

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If A Small Corporation Declares Bankruptcy Is It Made Public Information If It I

If a small Corporation declares bankruptcy, is it made public information? If it is, how is it made public? Is it printed in the newspaper, or can it be accessed on the internet, and where? Thank you very much.

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Canadian Us Bankruptcy Laws Are They The Same

What happens in the case when one of the spouses gets a job in the USA after a period of no employment and the other spouse does not want to follow and declares bankruptcy. Are the laws the sames in the US as they are in BC?

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