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What Can I Keep In A Bankruptcy In Manitoba

The debt load is now overwhelming. This is not where you thought you would ever find yourself. After trying everything you can think of to manage it, you see no light at the end of the tunnel and you know it’s time to consult with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee about your options.

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What Can I Keep If I Claim Bankruptcy In B.C.?

Bankruptcy is a process that allows a debtor to get a fresh financial start. When you file for bankruptcy, you surrender your assets to your bankruptcy trustee. The trustee then turns those assets into cash, and distributes the money to your creditors.

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What Assets Do I Keep In Bankruptcy

If I decide to declare bankruptcy for my own personal dept, are my allowable asset values the same even if I am married with children?

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What Are The Consequences For My Spouse If I Declare Bankruptcy

Your bankruptcy does not automatically lead to the bankruptcy of your spouse. The fact that you are married or living common-law has no effect during bankruptcy. It is mostly your shared assets and debts that may have consequences for your spouse.

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What Are My Rights With Debt Collectors

What are my rights with regards to collectors? I have heard that there are some regulations regarding what collectors can and can't do and I'm wondering where I would find out about that?

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What Are Exempt Assets In Bc

Filing for bankruptcy can be daunting. Many people fear they will lose absolutely everything. The good news is, that’s not the case. When you file for bankruptcy, some of your assets are protected from being seized by the creditors.

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Weakened Loonie Impacts Canadians Holiday Plans

While many Canucks often fly south for the winter season, more and more are opting for more creative getaways in hopes of holding on to their dollars - and avoiding hefty credit card bills.

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Warning Signs Of Financial Difficulty

Sometimes it seems that financial duress can sneak up on you. There are however, certain warning signs that may indicate you are in financial trouble, such as...

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Use Of A Bankruptcy Advocate To File For Bankruptcy

My friend used a "bankruptcy advocate" to help her file for bankruptcy. What is it and do I need one?

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What Do I Do When I Havent Filed Taxes In Years

I haven't filed taxes in ten years. Don't even have all the paper work. Owe about $50000 to the government and about $6000 in other debts. Just need to know where to start. Child support is 1305 and currently on unemployement

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