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Im A Senior On Fixed Government Pensions If I File For Bankruptcy Do My Pensions Automatically Get Sent To The Trustee

I’m a senior on fixed government pensions. If I file for bankruptcy, do my pensions automatically get sent to the Trustee?

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Im Dealing With A Company That Promised To Cut My Credit Card Debts In Half The

I'm dealing with a company that promised to cut my credit card debts in half. They told me to stop making my monthly payments and now I'm getting more calls than ever. What can I do?

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Income Tax Refunds During A Bankruptcy

I haven't done my taxes for five years, and can't afford to pay h & r block for them. If I file bankruptcy will they take my income tax money? and gst money?

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Im In Bankruptcy But Want To Pay My Debts What Can I Do

I have chose to repay all my debt to creditors yet my Trustee at another firm will not take this to court and release me from bankruptcy. What can I do. Keith

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Income Taxes In Bankruptcy Or Proposals

Can money owing to the government for income taxes, GST, Source Deductions etc. be including in a bankruptcy or proposal?

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Is Bankruptcy An Option For Me

My common law husband passed away Oct 18/08 I was unable to work I just got a job at "__" cooking, my wages are just 10.00hr my rent is 725.00 plus I have 4 credit cards that add up and I just can't do it. Do I qualify for bankruptcy? I don't know how to make ends meet?

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Is Income Tax Debt Extinguished In A Bankruptcy

Is income tax debt extinguished in a bankruptcy?

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Is It Difficult To Declare Bankruptcy?

The first step towards filing for bankruptcy, is to call and make an appointment with a licensed Trustee. During this appointment, you will be asked to provide information at this appointment which will allow your Trustee to make an assessment of your personal financial situation and advise you of all the options available to manage your debt problems.

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Is It Possible To Save The House If You Are Going To Declare Bankruptcy Due To The Credit Card Debts

Hello, Is it possible to save the house if you are going to declare bankruptcy due to the credit card debts?

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Its Time To Go On A Spending Diet

MNP LTD Trustee Randy Kobbert was interviewed by The Lethbridge Herald to discuss post-holiday debt and budgeting for the New Year.

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