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Is Debt Stress Affecting Your Sleep?

When all is quiet and your body finally stops at the end of the day, your mind doesn’t always follow suit — especially if you’re struggling with financial stress.

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Life After Debt: Moving Forward – Financially and Emotionally

Congratulations! Now that your Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal is completed, you are in the next phase of taking control of your finances.

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Manitoba and Saskatchewan Residents are More Likely to Engage in Risky Financial Behaviours Compared to the Rest of Canada

A survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf MNP LTD helps identify some of Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents’ costly money mistakes which could be contributing to the mounting consumer debt challenges across the two provinces

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Manitoba And Saskatchewan Residents Find Themselves With Less Money Each Month More Than Half Concerned About Their Ability To Repay Debts

Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than half (54%) of Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents say they are more concerned about their ability to repay debts than they used to be.

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How To Avoid Becoming House Poor

Buying a home is an important life event for many Canadians. However, this will generally consume a significant portion of your family’s income to service the mortgage, pay property taxes and utilities and stay on top of repairs and maintenance.

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Albertans Increasingly Pessimistic About Their Consumer Debt In The New Year

More Albertans see grey skies on the horizon heading into the new year and beyond as fewer expect their debt situation to improve, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index conducted quarterly by Ipsos.

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What Is Lifestyle Creep And How Do I Avoid It?

Lifestyle creep is the tendency for people to increase their spending in proportion to increased income or availability of credit for material / non-material wants like consumer goods or experiences.

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The Pros And Cons Of Joint Financing And Debt

There are several reasons why you might consider joint financing debt.

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Six Major Life Events That Can Cause Financial Difficulty

Many life-changing events are unpredictable. Coping with them is taxing enough without adding steep financial challenges into the mix.

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Risky Financial Behaviours Keeping Quebecers In Debt

A survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD helps identify some of Quebecers’ costly money mistakes which could be contributing to the mounting consumer debt challenges across the province.

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