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Despite Growing Concern About Debt, Canadians Are Reluctant To Get Help: Survey Alberta Insolvencies Up 25 Per Cent

Even with their debt concerns growing, Canadians appear to be reluctant to get help. A survey from MNP Debt revealed that only 14 per cent of Canadians who admit to being unable to pay their bills have sought professional help to deal with their debt.

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Debt Weighs Heavily On The Minds Of Students

As the cost of living and tuition continues to increase year after year, thousands of Canadian students find themselves taking on significant debt loads to cover the cost of post-secondary studies.

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Debt, Taxes And Your Options

While a corporation is intended, in part, to provide an individual with separation or protection from company debts, a personal director liability can be incurred on GST, PST and source deductions.

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Debt Relief in Canada

Financial struggles and high debt ratios are becoming more common among Canadians. Getting finances in order can be a very overwhelming task for many individuals. It is however, a very important task to tackle in light of increasing debt loads.

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Debt Is Like A Cold Ruining Future Plans

As thousands of households across the country continue to grapple with a struggling national economy and (for many) the aftermath of Alberta's energy sector crisis, it's not surprising to hear that consumer debt is soaring.

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Debt Relief Can Be Relieving

Are your debt problems heating up? Perhaps it’s time to cool off with some debt relief

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Debt Has Many Canadians Teetering On The Edge Of Insolvency

With a weakened economy, a struggling loonie and in some provinces, many facing the reality of under or unemployment, many Canadians are so financially stretched they aren’t sure how they will keep up with the day-to-day cost-of-living, let alone their debt repayments.

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Filing A Bankruptcy – Is It Really That Easy?

More often than not, when people find themselves in financial trouble they’re usually not sure what options are available to help them get back on track. Well-meaning friends and family may suggest a bankruptcy as a quick and easy solution. Even some insolvency firms who present themselves as having your best interests in mind, will say it only takes half an hour to come up with a plan to solve your debt problems.

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Financial Dieting The Psychology Of Money

Consumers can get the “blues” quickly when bills arrive in mail. With varying payments, due dates and interest rates, keeping track of it all can get very overwhelming. A budget or financial diet can help improve your financial health.

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Do I Need to File a Consumer Proposal?

You might ask yourself why you would need to file a Consumer Proposal, or possibly even look at filing for bankruptcy? Listening to the Statistics Canada announcement on September 11, 2015 regarding the level of Canadian’s household debt could be one reason.

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