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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found that more than half (56%) of British Columbians are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay, or fewer working hours – an increase of 5 points since June, and the highest proportion compared to the other provinces. Over the past few months, various financial relief measures from...

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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found that one in three (34%) Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay, or fewer working hours. This represents an eight point drop since June. Over the past few months, various financial relief measures from the government, banks, and businesses have...

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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found that nearly half (47%) of Ontarians are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay, or fewer working hours. Over the past few months, various financial relief measures from the government, banks, and businesses have helped cushion the financial blow of the pandemic for many Ontarian households....

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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found one in three (34%) Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay, or fewer working hours.

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Debt and Divorce (3 Minute Debt Break)

Debt by itself can be a scary thing. Coupled with divorce, it can seem over whelming. Financial issues are a leading contributor to marital breakdown, and it can often be difficult to be on the same page when it comes to settling loans, credit cards and other debts that have accumulated during the marriage. Making matters worse, there are many misconceptions about who is liable for repaying the debts and who creditors can target in the event of a...

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How to teach your children financial literacy on Family Day

Parents and educators have a responsibility to ensure our young people understand the consequences of overspending and develop the life skills to budget. But it may be a difficult conversation to have, especially if you are struggling with debts of your own.

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Budgeting Basics: Planning for your income and expenses in 2023

The new year has just started, and you can still regain control of your finances if you plan your income and expenses using a budget.

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Leah Drewcock: Why I am thankful to be a Licensed Insolvency Trustee

I was just a few years out of high school and still lived at home with my parents when I started working as an accounting and finance student at one of the ‘Big Four’ accounting firms.

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What To Know Before Starting a Business 3 Minute Debt Break

Starting a new business is a great adventure. And since you’re running the show, it’s on you to make multiple decisions every day, especially the challenging financial ones. When you’re first starting out, money decisions can have huge impacts on your business now and into the future.

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How has COVID-19 impacted debt challenges in B.C.?

British Columbians have been through a lot in 2020 and 2021. The impacts of COVID-19 arrived suddenly and have been difficult to forecast. Some B.C. households have faced more challenges than others, but nearly everyone has experienced setbacks to some degree.

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