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Saskatchewan Consumer Insolvencies Down The Only Canadian Province To See A Decrease

When it comes consumer debt trouble, the latest official figures from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) show that Saskatchewan may be the only Canadian province experiencing an improvement. The number of Saskatchewan residents who filed for insolvency in the second quarter of 2019 was down 2.3 per cent compared to the first quarter and down 3.5 per cent compared to the same quarter of last year. This was the only decrease among...

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It's Not All Bad: 2018 Increase In PEI Insolvency Filings Means Many Found Permanent Debt Relief

As the impact of higher interest rates continues to resonate across the country, a growing number of Prince Edward Islanders are struggling to cope.

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It's the Thought that Counts: Think Affordable this Valentine's Day

According to legend, Saint Valentine of Rome restored sight to his jailer’s blind daughter on the evening before his execution. The following morning, he wrote her a farewell letter and signed it ‘Your Valentine’ – kicking off a centuries-long tradition of Valentine’s cards.

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Ive Decided To Get Credit Again How Do I Manage It

This is the second in a two-part series about responsible credit management after an insolvency.

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Letter To A Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Last year was long and stressful. The only thing I’m looking for in 2019 is relief from the relentless financial burden that’s been plaguing me. You see, I’ve weathered some major financial setbacks and I’m not sure how to dig myself out of this bottomless black hole.

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Life After Debt: How To Rebuild After A Bankruptcy Or Consumer Proposal

After completing a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal, rebuilding your credit can feel nearly as daunting as getting out of debt.

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Life After Debt: I've Decided To Get Credit Again, How Do I Manage It?

Securing new credit is a polarizing decision for people who have completed a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

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Life After Debt Should I Get Credit Again

Now that you’ve completed your Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal, you may be considering getting credit again.

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Life After Debt: The Hidden Benefits Of Bankruptcy

​Relief from debt stress may be the only thing people focus on when they file a Bankruptcy. But for most households dealing with the overwhelm and hopelessness of long-term money problems, that's only the beginning. Bankruptcy has numerous peripheral benefits, which, once the dust settles and the debts are gone, usually turn out to be the most life-changing of all. Looking past the fear of judgement, of hurting their credit of admitting defeat,...

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Quebecers Find Themselves With Less Money Each Month, Half Concerned Their Ability To Repay Their Debts

Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than half (51%) of Quebec residents say they are more concerned about their ability to repay debts than they used to be.

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