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“Talk With Our Kids About Money Day”

“Talk With Our Kids About Money Day”, held on Wednesday April 15, is an important day to call attention to and an opportunity to talk with our kids and youth about money.

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Surplus Income Now Determines The Length Of Time A Bankruptcy Lasts

The recent amendments to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act now change the length of time a person is required to stay in Bankruptcy.

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Surplus Income In A Bankruptcy

Do I Have Surplus Income in my Bankruptcy? Do I have extra payments to make?

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Summer Vacation Not Debtcation

The weather is warmer, people are coming out of hibernation from the long winter and soon our children will be done with school. Once the summer months get into full gear, people naturally turn their attention to getting away to recharge, relax and (deservedly) unwind. Sounds pretty great right? Just remember, a vacation comes at a cost and if you’re not prepared, that cost could stick with you for months, if not years. Suddenly and unintentionally,...

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Summer Job Spare Yourself The Debt Get A Summer Job

Looking to build a financial buffer? Summer is the perfect season to pick up a second job and save up a contingency nest egg!

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Student Loan Funding While In Bankruptcy

Are you able to apply for student loan funding while in bankruptcy? Are provincial and federal rules different? What about the Banks?

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Student Loan Debt

Finishing school and trying to jump start your career while navigating student loan debt can be overwhelming to say the least.

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Student Life Doesn’t Need to Include Heaps of Student Debt!

Student life doesn’t need to include heaps of student debt. Start budgeting today to set yourself up for a financially secure post-secondary future!

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Struggling With Debt Heres Why You Should Speak With A Licensed Insolvency Trustee

When a person files a Consumer Proposal or bankruptcy, they are required to provide full financial disclosure to the LIT. In fact, the legal documents which summarize their financial position are signed under oath.

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Teaching children financial responsibility

Teaching children about financial responsibility is important for every parent to do.

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