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Economic Uncertainty Troublesome For Canadian Debtholders

For thousands of Canadians across the country, it’s no secret to hear that our national economy is facing an uncertain future.

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Do You Have A Spending Addiction?

Most people with an addiction to spending do not realize the extent of their spending until their credit cards or lines of credit are maxed out and bill collectors start calling. A spending addiction can begin as early as childhood and may be caused by anxiety, depression, lack of hope or even loneliness.

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Disability Pension

I'm on disability pension, one of my creditors are trying to garnishee my pension. Can they do this? I owe them 4,000, can I do a bankruptcy to get them off my case?

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Defining Your Relationship With Money

Getting into debt can happen to anyone, causing mental stress and uncertainty. To learn how to better manage your money, you must also have an understanding of your relationship with money.

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Debt Solutions Quick Fix Right Fix Both Or Neither

Debt, like most problems, usually has more than one solution. And while this may seem like a good thing, it can make it harder to find the solution that's best for you.

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Debt Is Not Cool

Author E.E. Cummings, when talking about his debts, is reported to have said, “I am living so far beyond my income that we may be said to be living apart.” Humorous as it may sound, being in debt is never cool.

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Debt-Burdened Ontarians Already Feeling The Pinch Of Higher Interest Rates

According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., the increased cost of borrowing due to rising interest rates is causing many Ontarians to re-evaluate their relationship with debt.

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Debt-Burdened Saskatchewan and Manitoba Residents Already Feeling the Pinch of Higher Interest Rates

According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., the increased cost of borrowing due to rising interest rates is causing many Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents to re-evaluate their relationship with debt.

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Debt-Burdened Manitoba And Saskatchewan Residents Already Feeling The Pinch Of Higher Interest Rates

According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., the increased cost of borrowing due to rising interest rates is causing many Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents to re-evaluate their relationship with debt.

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Fear Of Rate Hikes Intensifies Significantly Among Atlantic Canadians

A recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., has found that Atlantic Canadians are fearful of increased financial turbulence in the wake of future interest rate hikes.

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