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Four Mental Shifts For Better Money Management

As Licensed Insolvency Trustees, we often see the worst-case scenario when it comes to personal finances. Most people are at the end of their rope by the time they reach my office – having struggled with every possible fix for their debt situations and seeing no other alternative than to file for Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal.

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How Financially Liable Are You As The Director Of A Small Business?

Companies devote resources to protect their business but often overlook the details necessary to also protect key stakeholders and directors.

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How Your Financial Health Supports Your Mental Health

In my work as a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, I see firsthand the unfortunate effects financial crises can have on debtors’ mental and emotional wellness.

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Improved Debt Increasing Confidence For Atlantic Canadians

A recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD. indicates a significant improvement in Atlantic Canadians’ debt situations over the past four months.

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How Many Payments Can I Miss Before Debt Collectors Come Calling?

Your credit cards are adding up. Add to that several other loans and lines of credit, and the complex juggling act of making your minimum payments can seem like a full-time job.

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Saskatchewan Residents say their Financial Situation is the worst around the Holidays

A recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD reveals nearly half (49%) of Saskatchewan residents say their financial situation is the worst around the holidays – more than any other time of year.

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Alberta Residents say their Financial Situation is the worst around the Holidays

​As retailers across the province advertise massive discounts to woo shoppers through their doors on Black Friday, thousands of Albertans are preparing to paint their pocketbooks red with debt.

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Manitoba Residents say their Financial Situation is the worst around the Holidays

A recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD reveals nearly half (49%) of Manitoba residents say their financial situation is the worst around the holidays – more than any other time of year.

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Atlantic Canadians say their Financial Situation is the worst around the Holidays

​As retailers across the province advertise massive discounts to woo shoppers through their doors on Black Friday, thousands of Atlantic Canadians are preparing to paint their pocketbooks red with debt.

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In debt? Buy nothing on Black Friday

Unsurprisingly, a recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD reveals 45% of Canadians say their financial situation is the worst around the holidays.

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