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What If I Were To Stop Making Credit Card Payments

Are you in financial trouble? Are you worried about what will happen if you stop making credit card payments? Call the experts today for a free consultation.

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What If I Cant Afford To Pay For A Bankruptcy

What if one is on income assistance and cannot afford to pay for a trustee but needs to declare bankruptcy? How can one go about filing for bankruptcy and get the help they need?

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What Is The Best Debt Consolidation Option?

Debt consolidation is the process of combining two or more debts into one. The aim of debt consolidation is to enable you to become debt-free through one consolidated monthly payment over a defined period of time.

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What Happens When I Am Discharged From Bankruptcy

First, congratulate yourself! You took the difficult first step of filing for bankruptcy and have earned yourself a fresh start.

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What Happens To My House In A Bankruptcy

what happens to my house when filing for bankruptcy... there is still mortgage on it but not much equity...

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What Happens To My Assets In A Bankruptcy

I own my home with my wife, we are both are on title and we live there with our 2 young children. What will happen to my home,furniture,clothing,toys,computer etc. if I file for personal bankrupcy due to unpayable business loans?

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Financial Literacy Month Get Serious About Your Finances

November 1 marks the beginning of Financial Literacy Month in Canada. Each year, Canadians set out on a month long journey to become more literate, more mindful and more in control of their finances.

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Financial Literacy In Quebec Lack Of Skills And Education Contributing To Surging Consumer Debt

According to a recent Ipsos survey commissioned by MNP LTD., a large majority of Quebecers agree there is a lack of financial literacy amongst the public which is fueling the national consumer debt problem.

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Financial Literacy In Canada Lack Of Skills And Education Contributing To Surging Consumer Debt

According to a recent Ipsos survey commissioned by MNP LTD., a large majority of Canadians agree there is a lack of financial literacy amongst the public which is fueling the national consumer debt problem.

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Financial Lessons A Father Teaches You

As a father, there are several financial lessons I hope I’ve passed along to my children. These are valuable bits of wisdom I’ve learned from my parents, personal experience and through my work as an accountant and Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

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