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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More New Brunswickers say necessities such as food, housing and transportation are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear as Atlantic Canadians’ concerns about the effect on their wallets skyrocket.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents say necessities such as food, transportation and clothing are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear as Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents voice concerns about the effect on their wallets.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Newfoundlanders say necessities such as food, housing and transportation are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear as Atlantic Canadians’ concerns about the effect on their wallets skyrocket.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Quebecers say necessities such as food and transportation are less affordable

The impacts of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes are becoming clear as Quebec residents voice concerns about the effect on their wallets.

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British Columbians’ debt concerns grow, amid persistently high interest rates, inflation and affordability struggles, MNP Consumer Debt Index finds

British Columbians’ anxiety about their debt situation is building amid rising interest rates, persistent inflation, and heightened affordability concerns.

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MNP Consumer Debt Index plunges 15 points to all-time low as interest rates, inflation and affordability have many Canadians concerned about their debt

The quarterly MNP Consumer Debt Index has taken a drastic plunge to 77 points, dropping a record 15 points from last quarter and marking an all-time low since the Index was created more than five years ago.

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More than half of Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents say they’re already feeling the effects of interest rate increases, a seven-point jump since December

Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents are feeling the enduring financial impacts of COVID-19 along with the pressure of increased interest rates and a rising cost of living, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index which is conducted quarterly by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD.

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Record Debt Lack Of Savings A Dangerous Mix For Bc Households

According to a recent poll, a combination of high debt and low savings means BC residents would turn to debt if caught off guard by a financial emergency.

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Putting All Your Debt In One Manageable Place

If you have several different debts and you’re starting to have trouble managing them, you’ve probably already encountered the stress of trying to figure out who’s going to get paid and who’s not going to get paid this month.

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Is It Difficult To Declare Bankruptcy? (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

Is it difficult to declare bankruptcy? The short answer is… no. However, there are a few things you should know before you consider bankruptcy as a debt management resource.

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