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Growing Lines Of Credit Spur Warnings

As Canadians are struggling with a weakened economy and a consistently increasing cost of living, it's no surprise to learn that many are relying on credit in efforts of trying to stay ahead of monthly financial obligations. Taking it one step further, many are going so far as to take out credit, using equity in their homes as leverage. While credit can be a great solution for managing short-term necessities, long-term credit dependency could lead...

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Groundhog Day Does Your Debt Keep Repeating Itself

Given today’s economic situation, it’s no surprise to learn thousands of Canadian households are struggling and relying on credit to carry them through in a financial pinch. While credit can be an incredible tool, credit reliance can quickly spin out of control.

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Graduation A Time Of Financial Change For The Whole Family

While some of those challenges may seem far in the distance, they will be on your doorstep sooner than you think.

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Google Takes A Stand Against Payday Lenders

Top search engine Google, has just taken a landmark stance against payday loans lenders, who offer short term loans at extremely high interest rates – often putting consumers at great risk for unmanageable debt as they struggle to pay off loans and interest, only to have to borrow again after having to account for the significant financial hit. All too often, those in the greatest need of debt solutions and financial advice, are those who fall victim...

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Got Debt? How Do I Get Started On Resolving My Debt?

It can be extremely daunting and frustrating when you are trying to pay down debt. Especially as you watch your balance decrease when a payment is made, only to see it go up again with interest charges, service fees, loan insurance premiums or even as you withdraw money to cover bills and costs of living.

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Golden Years Not So Golden For Many Seniors In Lethbridge

As the spike in insolvencies continues to rise in communities like Lethbridge throughout the province, now is as good as time as ever to talk about the value of a budget.

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Getting To Know The Trustee In Bankruptcy

Dealing with the stress of unmanageable debt is exhausting. Once you’ve decided that enough is enough and it’s time to face your financial situation head on.

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Gifts, Money and Turkeys!

A 2015 survey shows the average Canadian spent an average of $766 for holiday gifts. MNP’s Yves Patrice Beaudin talks budget in this blog.

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Getting To Know The Consumer Proposal

While filing for bankruptcy may be a completely viable option for some, it’s not the only option out there.

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Get to Know Our Licensed Insolvency Trustees

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) - Canada's regulator of bankruptcy and insolvency - has announced that the designation “Trustee in Bankruptcy” will be replaced by “Licenced Insolvency Trustee” in the New Year, although Trustees can start using the new designation earlier if they so choose.

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