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Can I keep my car if I file a Bankruptcy?

Fear of losing needed or cherished assets is one of the most common reasons why people are hesitant to file a Bankruptcy. And a motor vehicle is understandably one of the assets potential bankrupts are most fearful of losing. Unfortunately, there isn’t a universally black or white answer to this question. Here’s why.

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Consumer Proposal versus Bankruptcy: Which one is best and what’s the difference?

Consumer Proposals and Bankruptcies are government legislated insolvency options that can provide relief from serious debt problems. Both solutions can only be administered by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. In addition, both solutions provide a legal stay of proceedings which require creditors to discontinue harassing collection calls, wages garnishments and other legal proceedings.

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Don't rely on luck! Build a financial plan

Just the mere thought of financial planning is enough to send many people into a tailspin. But it can be a truly empowering exercise. You just have to break it down into small enough steps so it’s not so overwhelming.

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Our debt-fueled world isn’t sustainable. Here’s how you can start breaking the cycle.

Purchasing decisions used to be easy for most households. Until the early 1950s, people mostly bought what they needed and paid for their purchases with cash. Wants were few and luxury items for the most part beyond reach. Fast-forward 70 years and it’s not surprising that “I see, I want, I buy” has become the guiding mantra for so many consumers and that consumer debt keeps breaking one record after another.

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My partner filed Bankruptcy; do I need to as well?

It is a common misconception that if one partner in a marriage files Bankruptcy, the other needs to as well. However, this isn’t always the case: there is no law that says both parties must file Bankruptcy. But it is a timely opportunity to review your financial affairs and consider exploring options to deal with your debt.

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The collection agents are calling. How do I make it stop?

Are you in a situation where you’ve fallen behind on your debts and now the account is in collections? As if the stress of your mounting bills wasn’t bad enough, now you’re worried there’s a collections agent lurking behind every phone call, every mail delivery, and every email. It doesn’t take long for the fear and anxiety to consume every waking moment of your life.

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5 budget-friendly gifts for a memorable festive season

The holidays can certainly be the most wonderful time of the year. But with all the pressure to spend, it can also be one of the most expensive and stressful.

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Affordable ideas for exceptional gifts this holiday season

The festive season should be a wonderful, joyful, and relaxing time of year. However, the weeks and days leading up to the holidays are often stressful and overwhelming. This is due, in no small part, to the self-imposed pressure to stretch budgets beyond the breaking point and purchase the perfect gifts.

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What is mortgage foreclosure?

Home ownership is a dream for many Canadians; most of whom will require a mortgage to make the purchase possible. A mortgage is a type of secured, typically long-term, and comparatively low-interest loan

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