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The Benefits Of Pooling All Your Debt Into One Pot

As the price of living continues to increase across the country, along with an inflated housing market, many Canadians find themselves relying on credit to carry them through major events, expenses and sometimes even day-to-day costs. While credit can be a viable solution for handling short-term financial obligations, it can quickly become a costly expense in and of itself if you aren't keeping a keen eye on your interest rates and how much you can...

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The Benefits Of A Consumer Proposal Versus A Bankruptcy

Consumer proposals and bankruptcies are both government legislated options which can provide you with relief from significant debt problems.

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The Bankruptcy Assistance Program

The Bankruptcy Assistance Program (the “BAP”) under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act is a very significant program for consumers.

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Credit Counselling Agencies – A Debt Relief Alternative

If you are struggling with rising debt, you may be looking for support or assistance to get your financial situation back on track. Bankruptcy is not the only solution for dealing with your outstanding debts.

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Credit Cards With Zero Balances

If you have one credit card with no balance will it be shut down too?

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Credit Cards Choosing The Magic Of Christmas Or Giving It Up To The Grinch

Christmas is upon us. It is time to plan for gifts, family gatherings and travel. Just like Santa Claus and his Elves, planning is a must and a credit card can be an important part of your tool box.

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Couple Need A Firmer Grip On Budgeting

Norman and Lena, otherwise well-set for early retirement, would be wise to get a better handle on spending.

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Could You Afford An Interest Rate Hike?

With the Bank of Canada holding interest rates steady at 0.5 per cent, Canadians are on a credit spending binge despite a continued slump in the national economy.

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Corporate Recovery – Back to business, Is Restructuring an Option for You?

Every business is going to face challenging times, it is an unfortunate fact of life. The following discussion provides a general overview of issues to consider and list of options which may be available to you if you are trying to navigate through corporate recovery.

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Cool Off Your Spending After Filing A Consumer Proposal

Consumer Proposals are the leading alternative to bankruptcy in Canada for individuals who wish to negotiate a more favourable debt repayment plan with their unsecured creditors.

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