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Four things to know about how a Consumer Proposal impacts your credit

This is the third in a five-part blog series about what Consumer Proposals are, how the process works, and whether they might be the right solution for you to get permanent relief from your unsecured debt.

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Over half of Prince Edward Islanders are $200 or less away from insolvency, cannot pay their bills each month

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Atlantic Canada, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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More than half of Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents are $200 or less away from insolvency at month-end, the highest compared to other provinces

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in the two provinces, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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Almost half of Ontarians are $200 or less away from insolvency, cannot pay their bills each month

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Ontario, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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Over half of New Brunswickers are $200 or less away from insolvency, cannot pay their bills each month

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Atlantic Canada, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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Over half of Nova Scotians are $200 or less away from insolvency, cannot pay their bills each month

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Atlantic Canada, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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Five common causes of Bankruptcy

Like all professions, there are several questions Licensed Insolvency Trustees hear quite regularly. By far the most common is “What is the typical cause of Bankruptcy or insolvency?”

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Five things to know about the costs of a Consumer Proposal

This is the fourth in a five-part blog series about what Consumer Proposals are, how the process works, and whether they might be the right solution for you to get permanent relief from your unsecured debt.

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How a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal affects your credit rating

When evaluating your options for how best to deal with unmanageable debt, a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal are always worth considering.

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Three effective strategies to help you manage financial stress

Household debt ratios continue to break records across the country. And as more and more people are working to service that debt, many are unable to set aside savings for unexpected expenses.

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