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Three questions to ask before taking out student loans

If you’re considering taking out student loans or securing financing for your education, there are certain questions you need to ask yourself, and perhaps your loan provider as well, before you jump in.

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Planning for Post Secondary (3 Minute Debt Break)

Post-secondary education costs money. Depending on the program, sometimes a lot of it. But there are steps every student can take to prepare for these costs and minimize the future financial impacts of pursuing a higher education.

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Everything you need to know about retiring debt free

It’s never too early, or too late, to work towards becoming debt free, especially as you approach retirement.

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Seniors and Debt

Just when seniors should be relaxing and enjoying the fruits of their labour, many find themselves struggling financially — an unsettling contrast to the ease they’d hoped to live their golden years.

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Middle aged couple enjoying beautiful sunset walk on the beach

Everything you need to know about retiring debt free

It’s never too early, or too late, to work towards becoming debt free, especially as you approach retirement.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Nova Scotians say necessities such as food, housing and transportation are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear as Atlantic Canadians’ concerns about the effect on their wallets skyrocket.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Prince Edward Islanders say necessities such as food, housing and transportation are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear as Atlantic Canadians’ concerns about the effect on their wallets skyrocket.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More New Brunswickers say necessities such as food, housing and transportation are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear as Atlantic Canadians’ concerns about the effect on their wallets skyrocket.

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