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Canadian Debt Is On The Rise But Our Economy Isnt

As Canadians struggle in a weakened economy, thousands are starting to bend under the weight of trying to make it from one financial obligation to the next. And what are we relying on to get us through the day-to-day expenses? Debt.

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Canadian Insolvency Filings Are On The Rise

The data is in, but it’s not necessarily surprising. Insolvencies are on the rise as many Canadians grapple with the burden of unmanageable debt.

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Dealing With Creditor Harassment Without Bankruptcy Protection

I haven’t filed for bankruptcy, and my creditors are harassing me. What can I do?

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Dealing With A Broken Business: Three Options For Insolvent Companies

It is said that the only an egg is better when it is broken. When a material financial crisis results in a company being broken, its ongoing viability needs to be immediately assessed to determine if the business is insolvent.

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Dad Knows Best Five Tips On Budgeting Worth Passing Down

Our parent’s generation might seem disconnected from modern times, but when it comes to budgeting – Dad often knows best!

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Albertans Feel The Pinch Of Overwhelming Consumer Debt

MNP’s Consumer Debt Sentiment survey shows more than half of Albertans are barely making ends meet, with many having to rely on credit to make it from one payment to the next.

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Above All, Save!

Young professionals today are struggling to navigate through multiple financial challenges. Many are carrying significant student loans, dealing with an inflated housing market, trying to keep up with an ever increasing cost of living and for some, also dealing with the financial costs of being a part of the sandwich generation - where they find themselves responsible for bringing up their own children while also financing the care of ageing parents....

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Ability To Keep Credit Cards After Bankruptcy

If I file for bankrtupcy, can I keep some of my credit cards?

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A Midlife Career Change Can Stress Family Finances

Whatever your reasons, if you're looking to take your career in a new direction - the most important thing you can establish for yourself and your loved ones, is a strong financial plan.

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A Household Debt Worth Paying Attention To

You know the phrase 'things just aren't the way they used to be'? That's never been more true than today. Just a few decades ago, having a good education, settling into a fruitful career, buying a house, raising a family and looking forward to an enjoyable, relaxing retirement were all completely realistic dreams and expectations. Today? Well, today's a little different.

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