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Drop in Oil Prices

There is no doubt about it. The drop in oil prices has affected nearly everyone in Alberta. Central Alberta especially, is experiencing a significant hike in the amount of people seeking to restructure their debt or attain manageable debt relief solutions.

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Dont Let Blue Monday Keep You Down

The term “Blue Monday” was coined by psychologist Cliff Arnall when he calculated the third Monday in January as the most depressing day of the year.

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Do You Have To Attend Court To Get Out Of Bankruptcy

I heard that if you filed for bankruptcy you would have to attend court for your discharge from bankruptcy. Is this true?

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Do You Need Help With Debt In Canada

Are you wondering who to turn to when you need help with debt in Canada and your credit rating is too low to consolidate your debts?

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Do I Qualify To File For Bankruptcy

I have debt for aprox. $2500 and do not make enough money a month to pay it off. I was wondering if I would be eligible for bankruptcy and how I would go about filing and how much money would have to be paid.

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Feel Like Youre Trapped Between A Rock And Your Tax Debt

A lot of people believe that personal income tax debt will never go away – that if you’re unable to pay, the debt will haunt you to the end of your days. After all, the government always gets paid right?

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Do I Lose My Home When I File For Bankruptcy

If I file for bankruptcy would I have to give up my home?

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Did Holiday Spending Leave You In A Financial Pinch

As Canadians struggle under the pressure of an ever-increasing cost-of-living and a sluggish economy, many find this time of year especially difficult as they try to navigate around the costs of debt.

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Develop The Discipline To Make Saving Like Breathing

MNP's TAKE: With a struggling national economy and unemployment on the rise throughout several provinces, it's no surprise to learn that Canadians are grappling with financial insecurity.

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Determining What Province To File For Bankruptcy

All bankruptcies in Canada are administered through federal legislation called the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act. If you file for bankruptcy in Manitoba, you do not have to file again in another province if you move. The bankrupcy is recognized across all provinces.

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