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Extinguishing Student Loan Debts

I heard that you can't wipe out Canada Student loans anymore. Is this true?

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Farm Assets And Bankruptcy

What happens to my farm equipment and livestock if I declare bankruptcy?

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Farm Bankruptcy In Manitoba

I'm farming on a quarter section of land, will this be taken by the Trustee if I declare bankruptcy?

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Can I File A Bankruptcy With A Joint Mortgage?

I need to go bankrupt, but I have a mortgage with my wife. She does not want to go bankrupt. How can I do this without dragging her into this?

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Filing Bankruptcy Or A Proposal When I Have Been Layed Off

My spouse has been layed off but I am still working and unable to pay for all the bills. Can you still file for bankruptcy or make a proposal to creditors? And what if he is able to find a job, how is everything affect if you have filed?

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Filing Bankruptcy In Saskatchewan

A description of the process an individual goes through when filing bankruptcy with MNP in Saskatchewan.

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Filing For Bankruptcy A 2Nd Time

I had been discharged about 2002 from a previous bankruptcy. How will that affect me if i file again? Are there any changes. And how long for discharge and on file for?

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Filing For Bankruptcy Multiple Times In Canada

I have went bankrupt 3 times, can I go bankrupt again? I have $100,000 in debt.

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Financial Holiday Hangover

‘Tis the season to be…managing all that debt you accumulated as you got swept up in the holiday season?

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Exempt Assets When Filing For Bankruptcy In Alberta

The property exempt from seizure is set by the provinces and territories and applies to the equity in the asset, here we'll review the exemptions in Alberta.

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