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Osb Rejects Proposal That Credit Counsellers Be Allowed To File Consumer Proposals

OSB Rejects Proposal That Credit Counsellers Be Allowed To File Consumer Proposals

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Pay off student loans or invest?

Here is an article - with some interesting discussion in the comments - about a young graduate who wants to know if he should invest or pay of his student loan debt.

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Payment Of Bankruptcy Fees And Tax Returns

I was required to pay 1440.00 for my bankruptcy. My tax return was more than that and GST was seized as well. Do i recieve this overage once my bankruptcy has been discharged?

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Personal Bankruptcy

i desperately need help. call me asap

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Planning For Retirement

Planning for retirement is more than dreaming of the day when you get to sleep in on Monday morning and not having to commute to work.

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Power Of Attorney Can I File A Bankruptcy For That Person

My question is......I have Power of Attorney over someone. Can I declare personal bankruptcy on behalf of that person?

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Problems With Collection Agencies In Saskatchewan

Is there a limit to the number of phone calls you need recieve from your creditors. We are bonbarded with 8-9 calls every week even tho we have explained repeatedly why the payments going in are not as large as they want. The phone calls are starting to feel more like harassament that collections.

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Protecting Your Assets When Entering Into a Business

When getting into business you want to ensure your personal assets are not put at risk in the event the business fails.

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Liens And Bankruptcy

I was wondering if you could tell me if it was legal for a company to put a lien on me if i claimed bankruptcy???

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Life Insurance And After Acquired Property

If you file bankruptcy and your mother, who has gone bankrupt in the past, passes away and you inherit life insurance of 25000 between you and your sibling do you have to hand your share over to the bankruptcy. Will they attempt to take it all.

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