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Can You Pay Your Debt And Save For Retirement

At MNP, we’re seeing a growing number of people working well-past retirement age simply to afford their monthly debt obligations.

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Canadians Find Themselves With Less Money Each Month, More Than Half Concerned About Their Ability To Repay Debts

Despite the Bank of Canada stating it will keep interest rates stable until next year, more than half (54%) of Canadians say they are more concerned about their ability to repay their debts than they used to be.

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Canadians Increasingly Pessimistic About Their Ability To Absorb Higher Interest Rates And Cover Monthly Bills

According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Canadians are increasingly worried about their ability to repay their debts.

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Canadians Optimistic About Debt Except When It Comes To Unexpected Expenses

According to a recent Ipsos survey conducted on behalf of MNP LTD., the majority of Canadians feel they can cover next year’s living expenses without incurring more, despite concern about mounting consumer debt in Canada

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Canadians Significantly More Worried About Debt, Interest Rates and Personal Finances Compared to September

According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., a growing number of Canadians are inching closer to insolvency – with the proportion who are $200 or less from being able to pay their bills each month (46%) rising six points since September.

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Canadians Wary And Embarrassed About Seeking Debt Relief

Canadians who find themselves in serious financial trouble could be digging themselves into a deeper hole by not seeking help when they need it. A new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, shows almost half of Canadians (46%) say they would be embarrassed to get help if their financial situation was bad enough to consider bankruptcy. One-third (31%) of survey respondents say the stigma surrounding bankruptcy prevents them from seeking help....

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Can’t Pay Your Taxes? There Are Solutions

Sometimes life doesn’t turn out the way we expected and we find ourselves overwhelmed with debt.

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Carefree Summer Spending Can Lead To Early Winter Hibernation

As Canadians settle down to embrace summer fun, what many are really doing is creating a winter of financial pain if they do not make the right choices over the coming months.

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Cash Strapped Canadians May Be Treating Homes Like Atms To Pay Bills

Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) have emerged as one of the biggest contributors to the growth of household debt in Canada, particularly in markets where real estate values have surged over the last decade. The latest data from the Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) shows that the balance of loans secured by residential real estate has reached another record high of 269 billion in June.

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Celebrate Canada Day With Three Steps Toward A Debt Free Future

We have seen countless news reports, tweets, blogs that tell us that Canadians have more debt than ever.

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