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Tina Powell

Tina Powell


Senior Vice President

Servicing Dartmouth (Venture Run) and 6 other locations

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When it comes to costs involved in filing a Consumer Proposal, there are a couple of important points. First, costs are federally regulated and prescribed by a tariff contained in insolvency legislation. Second, all costs associated with filing a Consumer Proposal are paid from the Consumer Proposal funds, so the consumer is not billed for costs at any time during the Consumer Proposal. In effect, the Consumer Proposal funding covers administration...

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There is no additional cost to you over and above your proposal payments. Proposal fees are set out in the bankruptcy law and determined by way of a tariff calculation. This means that the fees are deducted from your payments into the proposal.

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At the time of filing a proposal you will generally be required to turn over all your credit cards to your Licensed Insolvency Trustee. You may not be able to obtain a new credit card until after your proposal term is complete. However, you can usually continue to use or obtain a prepaid or secured credit card during your proposal.

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Normally, secured creditors are not affected by a proposal. In most instances, you will continue to make payments to the secured creditors as per your usual arrangements. However, in your proposal you may choose to surrender and return your secured assets and stop making payments to secured creditors. In these circumstances, any resulting shortfall that may arise from the sale of the asset held as security by the secured creditor will be included...

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A Consumer Proposal is for individuals whose debts have become unmanageable, but are still able to make some form of payment to creditors. With revisions to their payment plans they will be able to pay back their unsecured debts partially or in full within a maximum term of five years.

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When a Licensed Insolvency Trustee drafts the proposal to your unsecured creditors for you, it must offer your unsecured creditors more money than they would receive if you were to file for bankruptcy. In completing a financial assessment, your Licensed Insolvency Trustee will be able to determine the amount of money you can afford each month to make payments under your proposal to your unsecured creditors.

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