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Get To Know Your Credit Bureau File

Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada are the two main credit bureau companies in Canada.

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Get Creative To Save Your Holiday Budget

With the holidays right around the corner, it's easy to get caught up in a spending frenzy. But if you're depending on credit to carry your spending, you might find that you're paying a lot more than you anticipated when the bills start to roll in come the New Year and interest begins to accrue.

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Funds Held In Trust

There is money in trust to my children in the bank, will i that be taken?

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Five Tips For Controlling Your Credit Card Use

With consumer debt at an all-time high, Canadians are being warned to take steps to reduce their debt before interest rates begin to rise.

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Five Steps To Accessing Canadas Bankruptcy Assistance Program

One of the goals of the Bankruptcy Assistance Program (BAP), is to ensure low income consumer debtors who need a reduction in the typical fees of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (“Trustee”) in order to file a bankruptcy can access the BAP, which is administered by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB).

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Financial Literacy Month

November, 2015 marks the five year anniversary of Canada’s Financial Literacy Month.

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You Are Facing Financial Problems Is A Consumer Proposal For You

You are facing financial problems - is a Consumer Proposal for you?

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Boxing Day Spending Costs Spill Into The New Year

While Boxing Day discounts can feel like significant savings in the moment, if you’re relying on credit to pay for your purchases, they may end up being a lot more expensive than even the original retail price in the end.

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Your Financial Fresh Start: How Bankruptcy Can Help You Live Again

Your financial state is one of the most private and personal aspects of your life, one that is typically only discussed with family members and the closest of friends.

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Better To File Bankruptcy Jointly With Spouse Or Separately

My husband and I are seperating. We are still under the same roof at this time but will be going our own ways. If we file together and he does not fulfill the requirements for discharge do we both lose discharge. Would it be better to file on our own, just trying to have only one fee.

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