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Knowing When To File A Consumer Proposal Or Opt For A Debt Management Plan

As Canadians, we have a number of choices available to us in determining the best solution for managing our debts. Obviously, everyone’s circumstances will be a bit different, it's best to ask a few questions first to better understand your needs.

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Judgments Credit Card Debt And Bankruptcy

I have a judgement on my house from BMO for default on an unsecured credit card, would that be removed in bankruptcy?

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How Long Will A Second Bankruptcy Last

I’ve been bankrupt before – if I need to file for bankruptcy again, how long will I be in bankruptcy?

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How Much Can Be Garnisheed From My Wages In Saskatchewan

Is there a limit or guide line to how much of your wage can be garnished. We are currently handing over about 65% and it is making keeping day to day obligations very difficult to meet.

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How Much Does It Cost To Do A Bankruptcy

I was just wondering what the cost was to the person filing bankruptcy. I have heard that you loose your gst return, your tax return. I know that you are allowed to take home a certain household amount and anything over that goes to your creditors.

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How To File For Bankruptcy

After leaving my husband a year ago, I have been overwhelmed by debt and feel unable to pay it off. I am strongly considering bankruptcy and not too sure how to go about it. I am hoping to find out the steps to take and what it will cost me. Thank-you.

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How Will Debt Affect Your Retirement Strategy

We spend our working years looking forward to the day we can retire, but how many people actually have a strategy in place to make sure those years turn out just as we imagined them? For many Canadians, retiring at 65 years old will mean a reduced monthly income and a lower standard of living than they have now.

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How Will My Family Law Proceedings Affect A Bankruptcy

In family law matters there are three types of proceedings that may affect a bankruptcy: child custody, support obligations and equalization issues.

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I Am in Financial Trouble and am Worried About Losing My Home

I find myself in great financial troubles, and I am worried about losing my home.

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I Am Living Common Law With A Person Who Is Bankrupt And Pays Surplus Income Amounts Each Month. I Am Not Bankrupt. Does the Bankrupt Also Have to Include EI Payments I Receive and/or My Student Loan or MPI Rebate Cheque As Part of His Income?

I am living common-law with a person who is bankrupt and pays surplus income amounts each month. I am not bankrupt. Does the bankrupt also have to include EI payments I receive and/or my student loan or MPI rebate cheque as part of his income?

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