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Filing for Bankruptcy can affect your spouse, particularly if you have joint debts or assets. While your spouse's income isn't directly included in a Bankruptcy, joint financial arrangements may be affected. It's essential to seek advice from a Licensed Insolvency Trustee to understand how Bankruptcy could impact your spouse's financial situation.

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If your spouse chooses to file Bankruptcy, it will not affect your credit rating; however, applying for joint credit or loans after your spouse's Bankruptcy may be affected by their lower credit rating, potentially limiting your options for borrowing.

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If you're concerned about your spouse's overspending and its impact on your financial well-being, there are proactive measures you can take. These may include counselling, establishing separate accounts, creating a budget to manage household finances effectively, and seeking legal advice to safeguard your assets. It's essential to address these concerns proactively to mitigate potential risks and protect your financial future.

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If spousal overspending is causing financial strain, exploring legal options may be necessary to protect your interests. Legal separation, divorce , or establishing legal agreements such as prenuptial or postnuptial agreements could provide a framework for managing debts and assets.

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