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The amount a creditor receives out of the funds paid into a bankrupt’s estate or through a consumer proposal.

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A claim or liability that is attached to property or some other right that may lessen its value, e.g. a lien or mortgage.

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The difference between the market value of an asset and the debt secured against it.

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Assets defined as exempt by provincial legislation that are not available to the trustee for the benefit of creditors.

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Meeting called by the trustee to consider the affairs of the bankrupt or debtor in a Proposal, to affirm the appointment of the trustee, to appoint inspectors, and to give such directions to the trustee as the creditors may see fit.

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A legal process whereby a creditor requires a third party to turn over to the creditor, a debtor’s property such as wages or bank accounts.

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A contract under which all the personal property of a debtor is pledged as security to a lender; (not used in all provinces).

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A person who takes on financial responsibility for another’s debt.

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A person who is unable to pay debts as they become due in the ordinary course of business, or having liabilities that exceed the total value of assets.

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