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How To Financially Survive Unemployment

In today’s ever changing market, the possibility of job loss for many individuals is a fact of life. It’s important to plan for unfortunate events and to know how to handle it if it does happen.

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How To Handle Collection Agencies & Collectors

Consumers have often expressed their concerns to me about harassing calls from debt collectors and how to deal with collection agents. Some even complain that even though they have made an assignment in bankruptcy (i.e. filed for bankruptcy) or made a Consumer Proposal, some credit collection agents continue to call.

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How Often Are Consumer Proposals Accepted By Creditors

How often do creditors accept a debt settlement? How much do you have to pay to settle your debt?

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How To Escape From The Feeling Of Drowning In Debt

Are you finding it hard to stay financially afloat? Do you feel overwhelmed or like you are drowning in debt? High interest rates, expensive housing costs, unexpected expenses and the increasing price of day-to-day items can easily contribute to putting you in a position where you can no longer make ends meet.

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How Much Will A Bankruptcy Cost

I cannot pay off the minimum monthly debts payment by current incoming, how to claim personal bankruptcy, and how much it will charge me if I file bankruptcy?

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Garnishment By Canadian Creditor In Other Countries

I am in debt on my credit line by $15000.00 with td bank I live and work overseas. Can the bank garnish my wages ?

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Would My Employer Find Out If I File For Bankruptcy

Would my employer find out if I file for bankruptcy?

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Foreign Creditors In A Canadian Bankruptcy

In personal bankruptcy what happens if I owe a company from California?

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From Renting to Buying: Calculating the Full Cost of Home Ownership

Tempering the excitement of buying with some sober expense calculations will make for a happier homeowner experience in both the short and longer term.

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Economic Change Is On The Horizon

Fortunately, there are some simple steps that British Columbians can take to be more financially prepared for a shift in our economy.

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