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Assets Kept In Bankruptcy

What assets can I keep if I file for bankruptcy?

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Assets In Different Provinces What Assets Do I Keep

If an individual has assets in more than one province, how do you determine which assets they get to keep?

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How Common Is It For Credit Card Companies Or Loan Companies Such As Wells Fargo

How common is it for credit card companies or loan companies, such as Wells Fargo, to request a garnishment for debts less than $10,000 in Manitoba?

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How To Scale Back Your Life And Better Manage Your Debt

Low interest rates and readily available credit have caught a lot of consumers in the trap of the ‘have now pay later’ trend. In fact, Canadian consumers are already spending 163% of their income.

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Its A Good Thing We Have Consumer Proposals

Often, when people think of insolvency, they relate it directly to bankruptcy. This can be very deflating to those who find themselves struggling with debt, but want to avoid having to file for bankruptcy.

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How To Survive The Holiday Season Without Breaking The Bank

With the holidays around the corner, financially strapped Canadian families are wondering how to make it through without breaking the bank.

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Is The Spectre Of Debt Haunting You?

Credit is somewhat of an enchanted thing. It allows us the flexibility to make purchases ahead of when we would otherwise be able to afford them. Unfortunately for many when it comes to credit, the ‘trick’ often follows the ‘treat’.

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Is Bankruptcy the Best Option for You?

Only a government licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy can file a bankruptcy on your behalf in Canada. As part of this process, your Trustee will first conduct a comprehensive assessment of your financial situation to determine if a bankruptcy is your best option and an appropriate course of action.

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Is A Debt Consolidation Loan The Right Option For Me?

The credit card statements are neatly piled on the top of your desk waiting to be paid. All have different payment dates scattered throughout the month and collectively the payments are somewhat manageable but the interest rates are making it nearly impossible to get ahead.

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Interest Rates Sending Canadians On Spending Sprees

With the Bank of Canada holding interest rates steady at 0.5 per cent, Canadians continue to feel confidant in excess spending, relying on credit as the national economy continues to struggle and many households are grappling with depleted income.

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