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Life After Debt: Your Questions Answered

Congratulations! Now that your Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal is completed, you are in the next phase of taking control of your finances. Without debt, you now have the freedom and opportunity to make financial decisions based solely on your goals — not your obligations to creditors. Your money is completely in your control and so are the choices when it comes to your finances. How do you handle this fresh financial start and avoid falling...

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Making time to deal with your debt

In less time than it takes to scroll through one of the streaming services to find your next series or movie to watch, you can focus on your debt and have a plan to keep it under control.

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Concerns about debt and interest rates ease in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, yet repayment anxiety persists for majority

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index finds that Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents are feeling increasingly confident in their personal finances this quarter as interest rate concerns ease.

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How to budget when you’re living paycheque to paycheque

You already know the many benefits of skilled money management. The fact you’re reading this blog post says at least that much. Your challenge, like for most households, is how to navigate the seemingly infinite demands on your frustratingly finite income.

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Concerns about debt and interest rates ease in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, yet repayment anxiety persists for majority

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index finds that Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents are feeling increasingly confident in their personal finances this quarter as interest rate concerns ease.

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Prince Edward Islanders’ concerns about debt and interest rates ease, yet repayment anxiety persists for majority

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index finds that Atlantic Canadians are feeling increasingly confident in their personal finances this quarter as interest rate concerns ease.

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Significantly more British Columbians report being $200 from insolvency, three in 10 say they can’t cover their bills and debt payments each month

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index finds that British Columbians continue to grapple with debt anxieties, especially when compared with the rest of the country.

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Newfoundland and Labradorians’ concerns about debt and interest rates ease, yet repayment anxiety persists for majority

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index finds that Atlantic Canadians are feeling increasingly confident in their personal finances this quarter as interest rate concerns ease.

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More than half of Canadians concerned about impact of rising interest rates, up three points since September

As the country inches closer to the Bank of Canada’s next interest rate announcement on March 2, 2022, many Canadian households stretched thin by the rising costs of living over the COVID-19 pandemic will be bracing for a potentially challenging year ahead. More than half (55%) of Canadians are concerned about the impact of rising interest rates on their financial situation, a three-point increase from September, according to a recent poll conducted...

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