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Personal Bankruptcy Laws

My husband is refusing to give me his pay stubs as he just got a job after I filed bankruptcy. What would happen if the trustee that I am with found out about this? And as he is not part of the bankruptcy, do they have access to this information? Thank you.

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Payments To Trustee

Hi I really need to know how much income will they allow me to keep to live on if I go bankrupt. I bring home $2300 and child support payments total $1150. I have two boys 14 and 16 and me.

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Paying A Family Member Before Bankruptcy

IF I owe a friend or family member can I pay him/her back with any available funds before I file for bankruptcy.

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Panicked About Post Holiday Debt ?

The festive holiday season has now passed – a time typically marked by overindulgence in many areas, including spending. Now that it’s over, does it mean time to get back to regular spending habits? Or does it incite panic, knowing that your credit card bills will soon be coming?

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Opposition To Bankrupts Discharge Fraud Issue

If a creditor disputes a second personal bankruptcy and the case is still in the courts, how long does the court have to make a decisson on the fraudulant charge.

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Preparing Your First Budget

If you’re planning on moving out for the first time, you’re likely experiencing a flood of emotions.

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Ontario Government To Crack Down On Debt Settlement Companies

Today the Ontario government announced plans to impose regulations on debt settlement companies who advertise the ability to reduce the debts of consumers by up to 70% of more.

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One In Five Ontario Residents Are Technically Insolvent

Canadians underestimate debt-to-income balance. February 23, 2015, Calgary, AB — Almost of fifth of Ontario residents owe more than they own or earn, making them technically insolvent and at risk of bankruptcy, according to a new survey by Ipsos Reid.

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One In Five Canadians Likely To Take On Additional Credit Debt Due To The Bank Of Canada Rate Cut Announcement

A new survey conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of MNP Ltd. reveals that a sizable portion of Canadians are willing to take on more debt due to the Bank of Canada’s key interest rate cut announcement.

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November A Good Time To Take Stock Of Financial Health

November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada; the time for Canadians to enhance their financial know-how. The Lethbridge Herald talked to MNP Ltd. Personal Bankruptcy Trustee, Randy Kobbert, about what people can do to sharpen their money and debt management skills.

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