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Income Tax Debt And Bankruptcy

What happens to income tax debt in bankruptcy?

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If You Go Bankrupt And You Are Getting The Daycare Money 100 A Month Per Kid And

If you go bankrupt and you are getting the daycare money (100 a month per kid) and child tax credit do you lose them for a year after?

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If My Spouse Files For Personal Bankruptcy And I Do Not And We Filed Jointly For

Hi there I was wonering if my spouse files for personal bankruptcy and I do not and we filed jointly for income taxes would I be responsible for his income tax debt?

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If I File For Bankruptcy Can I Keep My Car

If I file for bankruptcy, can I keep my car?

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If I File A Consumer Proposal How Long Will I Have To Make Payments

If I file a consumer proposal how long will I have to make payments?

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If A Person Goes Bankrupt Do They Have First Option To Buy Back There House

If a person goes bankrupt do they have first option to buy back there house?

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I understand that I have to pay surplus income during my bankruptcy, which is set by the Trustee. What if I disagree with the surplus income amount and what if I can't pay it?

I understand that I have to pay "surplus income" during my bankruptcy, which is set by the Trustee. What if I disagree with the surplus income amount and what if I can't pay it?

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I Have Approximately 4 Small Debts With Credit Card Companies And A 7500 Unsecur

I have approximately 4 small debts, with credit card companies and a $7,500 unsecured loan in Manitoba, would it be advisable to file for bankruptcy before these creditors file for garnishment?

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How Underemployment Starts The Cycle Of Debt

Relying on credit to carry you through times of underemployment? Careful! Debt can be more costly than you think!

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How Can I Get Out Of Debt

How can I get out of debt? Pls any advice would be appreciated.

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