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discussing at a desk bankruptcy vs insolvency concept

In Canada, a handful of options exist for individuals who are exploring insolvency or Bankruptcy. The stress of financial difficulties can be lessened with the help of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) to help you work through the realities of your unique situation and find the best outcome for you.

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Considering a Consumer Proposal Last? Here Are 8 Key Questions to Ask

The rising cost of living and current escalating interest rates have led to Canadians owing a record amount of debt.

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Can your debt survive a Bankruptcy?

Filing for Bankruptcy is an option for those who are overwhelmed by debt. Bankruptcy provides you with protection from creditor actions and relief from most types of unsecured debts. But it’s not always that simple.

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Why checking your credit score matters

How well do you understand your finances? In commemoration of National Financial Awareness Day, we encourage you to understand your credit history and constantly monitor your credit score.

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How to budget for inflation

The cost of daily goods has been rising over the past few years — increasing the price of food, gas, clothing, and many other essential items that Canadians need in their day-to-day lives.

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How to manage the impact of interest rate hikes on your budget

Let’s take a look at how interest rate hikes will affect borrowers, lenders, and investors — and how you can manage the impact of increased interest rates on your budget.

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Living on a Single Income (3 Minute Debt Break)

Higher interest rates, instability globally and uncertainty in the new year economically… many households look to 2023 as a year of struggling to make it from one financial obligation to the next. This is especially true for single income families. If you are one of thousands of families performing the financial balancing act of trying to get by on a single income, it can be difficult to make financial goals beyond your next payment. The good...

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Living (with debt) in Atlantic Canada

Inflation, interest rate hikes, gas prices, groceries… oh my. The headlines and news articles bring a constant barrage of reporting on the financial pressures impacting all Canadians. Everyday costs are rising, and unless you’re one of the fortunate few that do not have to be concerned at all about money, people everywhere are having to make choices and adjustments.

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What are your financial New Year’s resolutions?

With another New Year’s day come and gone, it’s time to commit yourself to the resolutions you made! And what better way to start the year than with a few financial resolutions?

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