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Your Best Option (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

If you’re struggling to maintain minimum monthly debt payments or don’t see yourself ever getting out of debt on your own, you may consider filing a Bankruptcy. It is one option… but it’s not the FIRST option a Licensed Insolvency Trustee or LIT will recommend. Nor is it always the best option for dealing with your debt.

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Younger People and Debt (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

The youth of today face a wide range of financial challenges that were mostly unheard of just a generation ago. The cost of rent, real estate, post secondary tuition and consumer products are all largely outpacing inflation. The thought of purchasing a home, paying off student loans or saving enough to retire comfortably seems increasingly out of reach.

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Debt and Divorce (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

Financial issues are a leading contributor to divorce. If money was an issue during the marriage, it can be difficult to get both parties on the same page when it comes to settling debts that amassed during the marriage.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Ontarians say necessities such as food, transportation and clothing are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear, as Ontarians voice concerns about the effect on their wallets.

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How to Calculate and Manage Your Debt (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break Podcast)

No matter the size of your debt there are basically only two ways to deal with it; calculating it and managing it down. Listen for tips on how to do both and help avoid the never ending feeling of debt!

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents say necessities such as food, transportation and clothing are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear as Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents voice concerns about the effect on their wallets.

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What Happens If I Don't Pay My Taxes (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

All debt can be overwhelming, but there’s no creditor quite as frightening as the CRA. The bottom line is if you have not filed taxes for several years or your tax debt is severely delinquent, you’re on CRA’s radar.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Albertans say necessities such as food, housing and transportation are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes are becoming clear as Albertans grow more worried about the effect on their wallets.

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Consumer Debt Index highlights impact of affordability crisis: More Nova Scotians say necessities such as food, housing and transportation are less affordable

The impact of this year’s persistent inflation and consecutive interest rate hikes is becoming clear as Atlantic Canadians’ concerns about the effect on their wallets skyrocket.

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