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More than half (54%) of Ontarians within $200 of financial insolvency; up 13 points since December, reaching a five-year high

More than half (54%) say they are $200 or less from not being able to cover their monthly bills and debt obligations, a whopping 13-point jump from December. Compared to the other provinces, Ontarians are the most likely (32%, +10pts) to report they are already insolvent with no money left to cover their payments at month-end.

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MNP Consumer Debt Index reveals declining financial confidence and increasing debt concerns among British Columbians due to pandemic

Now in its fifteenth wave, the MNP Consumer Debt Index found more than half (52%) of British Columbians regret the amount of debt they have taken on, a five-point jump since September and the largest proportion compared to the other provinces.

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Ontarians’ debt concerns spike, amid persistently high interest rates, inflation and affordability struggles, MNP Consumer Debt Index finds

Ontarians’ anxiety about their debt situation is building amid rising interest rates, persistent inflation, and heightened affordability concerns.

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Putting All Your Debt In One Manageable Place

If you have several different debts and you’re starting to have trouble managing them, you’ve probably already encountered the stress of trying to figure out who’s going to get paid and who’s not going to get paid this month.

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More than half of Quebecers are concerned about ability to pay their debts as interest rates rise, jumping six points since December

Enduring financial impacts of COVID-19, coupled with the pressures of rising interest rates and increases in the cost of living are weighing down Quebecers’ confidence in their personal finances, according to the MNP Consumer Debt Index, which is conducted quarterly by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD.

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COVID (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down businesses, shaken the global economy and caused large job losses across the country. Thousands of Canadians are taking advantage of federal support measures and many are considering additional ideas to slow all the financial pressures they’re under.

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Better Make a Budget (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

At some point, everyone has succumbed to the impulse to buy a new gadget, a new pair of shoes or some other spur of the moment gift for themselves. There’s nothing wrong with occasionally treating yourself. But when frequent impulse purchases start getting in the way of your other financial goals, things can quickly spiral out of control. Knowing where to strike that balance is difficult, but it becomes much easier when you use a budget.

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Financial Scams (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

Financial scams have been around for decades. But they have never been as common and invasive as they are today. The internet, online banking and countless other technologies have enabled fraudsters to invade people’s lives and trick them into handing over money, personal information and access to personal electronic devices.

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