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Report: More than half of Quebecers are concerned about the impact of rising interest rates on their financial situation

As another Bank of Canada interest rate announcement looms, a recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD finds that eight in 10 Quebecers (82%, +2pts) agree they will be more careful with how they spend their money as borrowing costs rise, increasing two points from last quarter.

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Creditors won’t stop calling? Here’s what you can do about it

Dealing with debt can be a frustrating experience and it’s much worse when you start to receive calls from creditors. With the right support and tactics, you can overcome this challenge.

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What is impulse spending and why is it so hard to avoid?

Everyone, except perhaps the most frugal among us, makes purchases from time to time which they hadn’t anticipated or planned for.

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Rising interest rates and inflation forcing Quebecers to make tough budget decisions to make ends meet

Quebecers are becoming acutely aware of how interest rates and the cost of necessities impact their household budgets, as both continue on a months-long upward trajectory.

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What you need to know about divorce and debt

The pandemic, childcare challenges, and the difficulties of spending much more time together during lockdowns made 2020 a difficult year for many couples.

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Is some debt good for my company?

Whether operating a small business, or large enterprise, there is a lot at stake for Canadian entrepreneurs.

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What are your options if you can’t afford to pay your creditors back?

Regardless of the types of creditors you owe, and how much you owe, you still have options available and the opportunity to maximize recovery to creditors and reduce personal financial liability.

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Debt and divorce: A financial fresh start

Divorce is a painful process for everyone involved. Add the financial stress of reconciling debt to the equation and it can quickly become overwhelming.

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