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What Happens If I Dont File Bankruptcy But Have A Lot Of Debt

I have alot of debt, that I am unable to pay, what happens if I don't declare bankruptcy? I have no money to file for bankruptcy?

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What Is A Voluntary Deposit

Voluntary deposit is a judicial process used in Québec to restructure a debt repayment. It is legislated in the Québec Code of Civil Procedure.

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What To Do When You Are An Unhappy Creditor In A Bankruptcy

The purpose of this article is to give you some idea of what your rights are in a bankruptcy when you are a creditor and aren’t satisfied with some aspect of the process.

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What Should You Take To An Initial Consultation With A Trustee

A description of the information you should bring to the initial meeting with a Trustee to review your options.

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What should I do when my employer files for bankruptcy?

It’s 8:00 am on Monday morning and you arrive at work ready to start the week, only to find that all staff have been summoned immediately to an emergency meeting in the staff room. Amid whispers of what could possibly be going on, you head into the meeting where you are advised by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (the “Trustee”) that the company you work for has been placed into bankruptcy and the job you love has been terminated, effective immediately....

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What Protection Exists In Ontario For Your Retirement Savings

If you are having difficulty paying your debt in Ontario and are concerned that creditors may be able to seize your retirement fund or if you are considering withdrawing the fund to pay your debt, it is important to know what creditors can and cannot seize in Ontario

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What Is The Process Required For A Credit Card Or Loan Company To Garnish My Wag

What is the process required for a credit card or loan company to garnish my wages in Manitoba. And, if they do garnish wages what is the limit in Manitoba?

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What Is The Difference Between A Secured And Unsecured Credit Card

Whether you are trying to figure out which credit card is right for you or if you are looking to rebuild your credit, it is important to know your options. Most credit cards have the same basic functions – they offer convenience, when purchasing goods and services. Credit cards differ when it comes to interest rates, service fees, reward programs and member benefits. There are two main types of credit card options: secured credit cards and unsecured...

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What Is The Difference Between A Consumer Proposal And Credit Counselling Or Debt Management

What is the difference between a consumer proposal and credit counselling (or "debt management")?

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What Is The Cost Of Personal Bankruptcy

What does a company such as yours charge to execute a bankruptcy claim to the end? And do all companys charge the same amount?

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