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Are Your Credit Cards Really Secured On Your House

Recently, a number of our clients have been rather shocked to find out that debt they thought was unsecured was, in fact, secured on their home.

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Can I Be A Director After My Bankruptcy Is Finished

How long after a bankruptcy do I have to wait to be a director of a corporation, non-profit or otherwise?

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Assets Can Disappear Debts Never Do

I was reading an article in the Globe and Mail entitled Markets are Flush, rates are low and I fear it will all end in tears and it occurred to me that this is relevant to my experience as a Trustee in Bankruptcy for one simple reason.

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Bankruptcies Not A Problem Locally

MNP LTD Trustee Randy Kobbert was interviewed by The Lethbridge Herald to discuss that Lethbridge isn’t feeling significant impacts from continuing low prices for Alberta crude.

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Bankruptcy And Credit Reports

I had claimed bankruptcy years ago and was dischaged in October 2004. I just rescently heard that the length of time for bankruptcy to stay on your credit report has been recently reduced from seven years down to six. Is this true? Thanks, Steve.

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Bankruptcy And Foreclosures

I have two properties one is a primary residence and the other is a rental. The renters put a grow op in the basement and it was seized. I can't afford to fix the house and the mortgage is higher than the house is worth. Can I file for bankruptcy after foreclosure? Will I lose my primary home?

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Bankruptcy And Surplus Income

My husband and I are looking at probably having to file a joint bankruptcy. We take home $7004 and I am wondering what surplus income we would have to pay.

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Bankruptcy And Unemployment

Hi, Can someone declare Bankruptcy even though they are unemployed? Thanks.

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Bankruptcy Filings In Canada

A comment on the number of bankruptcy and proposal filings in Canada over the last twelve months.

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Bankruptcy Laws Shareholder Loan

We currently are 1/3 owners of a private corporation We have a shareholder loan to the company. If the company declares bankruptcy, will creditors get paid before we get our loan back? In what order to people get paid?

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