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The Top 4 Advantages of a Consumer Proposal Over Other Debt Relief Solutions

When a person in debt is trying to solve their money problems, they first have to make a choice of which debt solution they should use.

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The Pros And Cons Of Bankruptcy

If you have severe debt problems, filing for bankruptcy may be an option. However, it is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Consider some of the following pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy:

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The Pitfalls And Budgeting Opportunities Of Retail Payment Programs

People with poor or bad credit can have a hard time obtaining credit at a competitive or low rate. Lenders do not want to take the risk of offering loans they might not get paid for.

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The Holidays – A Time For Fun Or For Stress?

The holidays are fast approaching. You are being bombarded by ads left and right. You need gifts for your significant other, kids, and family members.

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The Dangers Of Borrowing Money

Borrowing money is something almost all of us must do at one time or another. Just because you’re borrowing money, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be smart about it.

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The Dangers Of A Debt Consolidation Loan

Consolidation loans are often the first option people think of when they find their debt is stretching their budget.

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The Top 5 Categories Of Family Debt – Part 2

This is the second entry in a two-part blog series on family debt categories. Part 1 discussed becoming a loan guarantor in general, as well as becoming a guarantor for a spouse’s business loans. Here are three other primary categories of family debt

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The Cost Of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy isn’t free, but it may be the life changing debt solution you’re looking for.

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Survey Results November 2017

A recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD reveals 45% of Canadians say their financial situation is the worst around the holidays.

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Survey Results January 2018

According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Canadians are increasingly worried about their ability to repay their debts.

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