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Big Purchase? What It Means For Your Credit

You’re at a dealership shopping for a used car. You’d hoped to pay cash, however nothing in your price range suits your needs.

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Being A Director Or Shareholder Of A Company During Bankruptcy

If I declare a personal bankruptcy, can I remain as a director or a shareholder of a corporation before being discharged?

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Becoming Debt Free A Comparison Of Choices

Have you ever wondered who can help if you find yourself overwhelmed with debt? There are many organizations who offer services such as debt consolidation, debt settlement plans, interest reduction and debt forgiveness. There are also other methods of getting a debt problem firmly under control.

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Bankruptcy Trustee Urging Consumers to Save and Pay Down Debt

LETHBRIDGE - While many Canadians may be tempted to borrow more after the Bank of Canada’s recent cut to interest rates, local Personal Bankruptcy Trustees are strongly advising people not to.

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Be SMART When Setting Financial Goals

Everyone has financial dreams. Whether it’s getting out of debt, building a nest egg for retirement, purchasing a home or going on vacation – visualizing any number of desired results comes naturally.

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Bankruptcy Cautions: What They Mean For Your Home In Saskatchewan

An exempt asset is defined under the laws of each province. Exempt assets are retained by the owner in the event of a bankruptcy and not accessible by that individual’s creditors.

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Bank Loans And Credit Cards In A Bankruptcy

I and my wife has much loan in the bank and on credit card. It seems we cannot afford to pay the loan at this time. We are thinking to do bankcruptcy so we can stop and pay. Please response and thank you for your info.

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Avoid The Holiday Debt Hangover

Planning for the holiday season should start as early as possible so you can avoid unplanned spending and the unwanted stress that comes with post-holiday debt.

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Atlantic Canadians Increasingly Pessimistic About Their Ability To Absorb Higher Interest Rates And Cover Monthly Bills

According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Atlantic Canadians are increasingly worried about their ability to repay their debts.

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Assets Not Listed On Bankruptcy Documents

I received a bankruptcy package in respect to someone who owes me money. The bankrupt did not list all of his assets. What do I do about this?

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