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MNP’s Debt Scale Tool and Debt Calculator: How to use them

The road to a financial fresh start begins with gaining insight into your current financial state. MNP has built various easy-to-use and accessible tools to help you understand your finances and determine the best debt relief options for you.

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Everything you need to know about Bankruptcy: What is it and how does it work?

Bankruptcy can be an intimidating proposition, but it doesn’t have to be scary or complicated. Living with financial stress has many negative impacts, on your wallet, your mental health, and on your ability to plan for the future.

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St. Patrick’s Day: Don’t Rely on Luck to Get Out of Debt

Getting out of debt requires a strategic plan and unwavering commitment. Relying on luck may not get you far.

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How to Future-Proof Finances in Your Relationship

Money can make or break your relationship. Managing your finances with your partner or spouse can guarantee a debt-free life and relationship.

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How long does the Bankruptcy process last?

You might be looking for a solution to your financial stress, and you could have heard that Bankruptcy will help you achieve a fresh financial start — but you may have questions about the process. One of the most common among these is how long a Bankruptcy lasts and how it impacts your credit score.

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How does the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act protect me in a Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal?

We’ve summarized the protections the BIA provides and the three major players in the insolvency system to help you make an informed decision about your next step forward.

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discussing at a desk bankruptcy vs insolvency concept

In Canada, a handful of options exist for individuals who are exploring insolvency or Bankruptcy. The stress of financial difficulties can be lessened with the help of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) to help you work through the realities of your unique situation and find the best outcome for you.

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Considering a Consumer Proposal Last? Here Are 8 Key Questions to Ask

The rising cost of living and current escalating interest rates have led to Canadians owing a record amount of debt.

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Can your debt survive a Bankruptcy?

Filing for Bankruptcy is an option for those who are overwhelmed by debt. Bankruptcy provides you with protection from creditor actions and relief from most types of unsecured debts. But it’s not always that simple.

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