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View our top blogs of 2023, filled with interesting and helpful insights. Our goal is to provide easy-to-understand information about financial best practices.

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Can I file a second Consumer Proposal?

A Consumer Proposal is one of the many options available to consumers who are looking for a manageable way to eliminate debt while avoiding Bankruptcy. But you’re wondering if you can file another Proposal if you’ve gone this route once or twice before.

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Debt management programs vs. Bankruptcy: Which one’s right for you?

COVID-19 has amplified financial uncertainty for millions of Canadians. Households have faced loss of income through several rounds of lockdowns and a topsy turvy economy, and some have experienced rising debt loads as a result.

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British Columbians Increasingly Pessimistic About Their Consumer Debt

More British Columbians see grey skies on the horizon heading into the new year and beyond as fewer expect their debt situation to improve, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index conducted quarterly by Ipsos.

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Canadians Increasingly Pessimistic About Their Consumer Debt

More Canadians see grey skies on the horizon heading into the new year and beyond as fewer expect their debt situation to improve, according to the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index conducted quarterly by Ipsos.

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Cost Of Bankruptcy: How Much Does Filing For Bankruptcy Cost?

Explaining fees and how they're collected when filing for Bankruptcy.

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Weppa Changes On The Way

On October 29, 2018, Bill C-86, Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 2 was tabled, which includes some important amendments to the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA).

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Financial Goals Made Simple

​When someone starts talking about financial goals what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Money for retirement? Investing? Taking a cruise around the world? Saving for university for your children?

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How To Calculate And Manage Your Debt

Anyone with debt — whether it is a small or large amount — must take time to mange it. The larger your debt load and the more creditors you have, the more difficult this will be.

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If You Really Want To Pay Off That Holiday Debt, Start Now

Whichever holiday debt you’re carrying – or may be thinking of incurring – now’s as good a time as any to change course and make it go away for good.

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