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Financial Challenges Facing Millennials

High financial expectations coupled with harsh employment realities can leave recent post-secondary graduates feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed. The competitive job market, combined with lower than anticipated income and higher than expected costs are some of the realities facing post-secondary graduates.

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Financed Vehicle Can I Keep It If I Declare Bankruptcy

I just signed financing paperwork with Toyota Canada for a new vehicle. Am I able to keep this vehicle after declaring bankruptcy?

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Filing Us Bankruptcy From Canada

I attended university in the US and am now living back in Canada. Is it possile to file for bankruptcy in the US? Will doing so harm my credit in Canada? Thank you for your help!

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Filing For Bankruptcy When Unemployed

If you don't have a job when you file for bankruptcy, it doesn't really make any difference to how your bankruptcy is administered. What does impact a bankruptcy filing is income from any source.

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Filing Bankruptcy If You Are A Director Of An Incorporated Company

I understand that you cannot file for personal bankruptcy if you are a Director of an Incorporated company. How does a person go about resigning as the Director??? Thanks, Kelly

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Living The Small Town Dream Without Adding Debt

There’s been a point in nearly ever big city dweller’s life when they’ve thought fondly about leaving the bright lights behind and starting fresh in a small town.

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Money Seized By Creditor Can I Get It Back By Filing Bankruptcy

Will it help to resolve my immediate problem to file bankruptcy now. VISA has informed me today that they emptied my bank account, which was intended for my rent. If I can not get this reversed I will be evicted. Is there anything I can do to get my rent money back?

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MNP Survey: Seven In Ten Albertans With Consumer Debt Say Would Need A Significant Increase In Income In Order To Live Debt Free

Albertans are increasingly reliant on debt, struggling to pay off their outstanding balances and apparently in the worst position of any province currently.

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MNP Survey: Ontarians Concerned about Impact of Interest Rate Hikes and Potential Housing Bubble

A new survey released by MNP LTD finds that Ontarians are concerned about the uncertainty of a potential housing bubble and impending interest rate hikes, adding financial stress to households already carrying a record level of debt.

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MNP Survey: Indebted Saskatchewan residents say they would need to make almost 40 per cent more to live without consumer debt

Saskatchewan residents are increasingly reliant on debt and struggling to pay off their outstanding balances.

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