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How Do I Challenge Information in a Consumer Proposal

If you have concerns about the proposal, the first thing I would:

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How you can get the full vacation experience without the debt hangover

Given all the challenges Canadians have been through so far this year, it’s safe to say everyone deserves an escape. Vacations can be a great way to escape from everyday responsibilities and reconnect with family and friends.

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New to Bankruptcy? Here’s a step-by-step guide of what to expect

You likely know what Bankruptcy is and what it can do for people suffering with unmanageable debt. But you may not understand how it works or what’s required of you. Maybe you feel intimidated by the legal jargon, concerns about losing everything you own, or the long-term impacts on your credit.

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These hidden household costs could be draining thousands from your bank account every year.

Do you ever feel like no matter how much you streamline your budget, cut back on discretionary spending, and avoid impulse purchases — you just can’t seem to get ahead? The issue may not be your budget.

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Four strategies for reducing debt in retirement

Recent studies have suggested as many as half of Canadians are retiring in debt.

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Debt addiction is a serious problem among Canadians. These are the signs to look out for and how to begin your recovery.

Millions of Canadians are struggling with debt addiction — a problem that has worsened over more than a decade of historically low interest rates and a growing culture of debt normalization.

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Half of Quebecers are $200 or less from insolvency at month-end (+10pts since June, largest jump compared to other provinces)

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in Quebec as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs wind down or change.

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Three in ten British Columbians say they cannot pay their bills each month, the most of any province

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in British Columbia, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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MNP Consumer Debt Index Highlights Divergent Experiences of Canadians during COVID

As the country enters its seventh month of economic disruption, the pandemic recession is putting a spotlight on the divergent experiences of Canadians during COVID.

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More than half of Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents are $200 or less away from insolvency at month-end, the highest compared to other provinces

The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index points to debt trouble in the two provinces, particularly as payment deferrals and government emergency aid programs change or wind down.

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