Retirement tips for every stage of life
Planning for a comfortable retirement requires careful preparation and strategic financial decisions.
The holidays are just around the corner. The tree is up and decorated, the baking is done, cards and letters are ready to send. The kids have provided their ‘wish list’ which seems to include every item from every flyer imaginable, never mind that you have your own parents and siblings and nieces and nephews to buy for. Just the thought of the holidays can be overwhelming.
This is a time of year that can be costly, as we shop for the perfect gifts and those special treats that grace our holiday tables. You’ve set a ‘gift’ budget and an ‘entertainment’ budget that you are comfortable with, now it’s just a matter of sticking to it. If you want to avoid that queasy feeling in January when the holiday bills arrive, here are a few tips that will help you stick to the budgets you have set:
Plan for next year now
If possible, set your 2015 holiday budget now, and set aside an amount each month that will result in having the cash available when the next holiday season arrives. Put the money in an account that is not accessible with a debit card to avoid the temptation of dipping into it during the year.
Take advantage of after-Christmas clearance sales to stock up on cards, gift wrap and any decorations you may need. Just remember it is only a great deal if the item is something you will actually need next year.
Need help setting a budget? Set up an appointment with your local not-for-profit credit counselling service and set the course for a financially stress-free holiday season.
Planning for a comfortable retirement requires careful preparation and strategic financial decisions.
Whether you’re looking to pay off debt or save for the future, these five side hustles may be the financial boost you’re looking for.
MNP Consumer Debt Index Lifestyle Debt Debt Solutions
According to a new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, two in five Atlantic Canadians acknowledge they need help to get out of debt (43%).