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EffectiveMay 28, 2012 the Enforcement of Money Judgements Act is proclaimed in effect in Saskatchewan. There are a number of key changes but the two major changes that will effect most debtors are:
A) The Amounts That Can Be Garnisheed From Your Pay - a judgement creditor can now garnishee an amount that exceeds the greater of 70% of your pay or $1,500 plus $300 per dependant.
B) The Assets You Can Keep (per person)Type of AssetExemption
After May 28, 2012Exemption
Before May 28, 2012ClothingClothing, including Jewellery, to a value of $7.500Necessary and Ordinary ClothingHousehold FurnishingsExempt with no dollar limitTo a value of $4,500VehicleExempt to a value of $10,000Exempt if require for work"Tools of the Trade"Tangible Personal Property required to earn income is exemptExempt to a value of $4,500PetsExempt to $2,000No ExemptionHome$50,000 of equity, per person, in Active Residence$32,000 of equity per person in Principal ResidencePrepaid Funeral ExpensesExemptNot ExemptHomesteadExemptExemptDamages for Pain & Suffering,
Costs of care
and Loss of Future IncomeExemptNo specific provisions dealing with exemptionsPensions, RRSPs and RRIFsGenerally ExemptGenerally Exempt